or World card is the end and the beginning as we spiral up as the Fool,
starting the journey again. This is a time of great celebration for we have
completed an aspect of the great work of the alchemy of the Soul. Judgement was the revelation and here we
live our revelation. The Hanged
Man is now turned upright and freed.
The Empress has given birth to herself. Finally free to Be, we can use the magic of our Magician and help transform our world.
Key Words: Anima mundi (soul of the world)/ Blending of the physical
with the metaphysical/ Wholeness / Portal to our multidimensional being
FOOL’S GATE The Universe Rob Hampson
The World card represents the final culmination in the Fool’s
journey; the proverbial light at the end
of the tunnel. I can now
proclaim from experience that the distance to that light can be very deceptive.
It has been a long and twisting road since first I stepped
forth on this grand adventure of possibility nearly a year ago. Back then I was naive to think that I
could just whip out my assignment and that would be that. Even if the World card is the last
stage of the journey it does not allow a free pass to the head of the
line. Along a course of dozens of
concepts and sketches and several paintings I still had to supplicate myself to
Magicians, Emperors, and Hermits; and a grand host of the Pope, the Devil,
angels, and Death. There were
lions to grapple, towers to fall from, and numerous opportunities to swing by
my ankles before ever I could actually reach the summit that I initially
thought was right before me.
As the deadline for the assignment approached I knew I was
being guided ever closer to the final threshold, but I still could not see
it. I had to trust in something
that was not perceptible from my current vantage point. My studio was a cauldron of production,
when suddenly, one day thirty-six canvases came together as one and I saw the
Just like that, it was time to step through.
Learn more about Rob's work on his website robhampson.com
Just like that, it was time to step through.
Learn more about Rob's work on his website robhampson.com
Great image for this card. Wow!